Heartspoken: The Book

Elizabeth is the author of HEARTSPOKEN: How to Write Notes that Connect, Comfort, Encourage, and Inspire, published in July 2022 by Koehler Books. She’s started a #HeartspokenMovement to encourage and support readers who want to learn more about this Connection superpower. The book—available in hardbound, softbound, and Kindle formats—has won gold-level awards from The Nonfiction Authors Association, Reader’s Favorite, Outstanding Creator Awards, Literary Titan Awards, and the Firebird Book Award

What Others are Saying…

“This book is a gift. It’s a gift that Elizabeth Cottrell has given to all who read it. It is a gift that you will feel compelled to share with others. As a business etiquette expert, I have been teaching people the value of writing notes as a tool for growing their business and building relationships. Elizabeth has created one of the most valuable books you’ll ever own and will refer to over and over for years to come.”

~ Lydia Ramsey, Business Etiquette and Modern Manners Expert, lydiaramsey.com

“Heartspoken is a work of art—and a work of heart. Your words are packed with wisdom and inspiration. It is so practical, and I especially admire how you put the reader at ease with your encouragement to write naturally. Your NOTES formula is brilliant!”

~ Peggy Post, Director Emeritus, The Emily Post Institute

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