Get Creative: National Stationery Week
Words, pictures, designs -- featuring my favorite stationery artists
Even though National Stationery Week is in conjunction with the London Stationery Show, it’s a global effort and certainly in sync with my own #HeartspokenMovement to spread the word about the impact of personal note and letter-writing, whether to friends and family or professional colleagues and acquaintances.
To celebrate this week, I’m shining a spotlight on a few of my favorite stationery artists/companies. When you have stationery you love, you’re much more likely to grab a piece and send a note!
Today’s featured brand: Up With Paper
Up With Paper is all about bringing people closer together via playful correspondence. My friend George White (who endorsed and supported my book) is the company’s CEO and one of its creative designers. They company creates pop-up books and cards that are amazing in their complexity, design, beauty, and uniqueness. “Up With Paper integrates pull-tabs, push-button light effects, and sound clips into many of its unique pop-up greeting card lines. The company’s Jumping Jack Press pop-up books are filled with hidden lift flaps and facts to delight and inspire wonder in our readers. Up With Paper has been recognized for developing outstanding pop-up greeting cards, winning numerous Greeting Card Association’s coveted LOUIE Awards honoring design excellence. Jumping Jack Press pop-up books have received numerous Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards.”
UWP Luxe is the boutique line of pop-up greeting cards and stationery from Up With Paper. Designs from the line have twice earned the GCA’s coveted LOUIE Card of the Year award, as well as Merit Awards from HOW International Design.
Yes, they cost more than your run-of-the-mill greeting card, but oh my goodness, the impact of sending such a unique creation is worth having a few on hand for those special people and special occasions.
Of course, the writing tool that should be on everyone’s desk is my book HEARTSPOKEN: How to Write Notes that Connect, Comfort, Encourage, and Inspire. CLICK HERE to find out where you can buy it, read testimonials, and peruse the first 28 pages.
“Elizabeth Cottrell and I share a belief in the power of a piece of mail to connect, comfort, encourage, and inspire—to create and strengthen that which is most important: human relationships. I recommend reading her book on how, when, and why to send a personal note, to help you harness this power. Most importantly, I encourage you to send a heartspoken card or note to a loved one today; the impact of that effort is likely greater than anything else you will do today!” ~ George White, CEO, Up With Paper; Past President, Greeting Card Association